Mental Moment-Change the Easy Way

 In Coaches, Professional & Olympic Athletes

Change 2I frequently talk to clients about change πŸ™‚ Many of them inquire as to why change is so easy in certain realms yet so difficult in others. For example, one of my business executives think that there must be something wrong with him because he can confidently make business decisions but doesn’t confidently know how to get his needs met at home. One situation has emotions attached to it while the other doesn’t. There is a difference between activities that are emotionally charged to ones that aren’t. When situations are embedded in emotions (family, friends, performance, etc.) it’s difficult to not only see how we are in those situations but it can be difficult to make changes because there is a lot of our identity attached to these situations.

And, we don’t think about it but we sometimes deal with emotional and non emotional situations in similar ways when we shouldn’t. In the example of my business executive, he was trying to use a very structured, goal oriented approach at home because it worked in his professional life. The problem is it wasn’t working at all in his home environment.

Personal and professional life are not the same. This is not to say that you have to be a different person in these realms but it is important to understand that where one is latent with emotion the other is not and they require very different approaches. The other important thing to understand is this: you probably spent years ‘training’ for your job and growing as a professional but you do not really get ‘training’ for your personal life. It makes sense you would use your professional training in your personal life; you have training in it and it’s proven time and time again to work…in your professional life. πŸ™‚

Happy end of the week!

Dr. Michelle

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