Mental Moment-I had A dream

 In Coaches, Professional & Olympic Athletes

Sweet dreamsLast night I had a dream that Peets Tea & Coffee delivered my favorite Matcha Green Tea latte to my office. 🙂 I sure do wish that was real. It shows what my subconscious is thinking.

Your dreams generally come from your subconscious thoughts. If you are living a life of anxiety and negativity then its likely your dreams will be associated with those kinds of thoughts or emotions. One of many good reasons to try and be less anxious and negative; particularly if you are someone who dreams a lot and someone who rebuts those dreams. Living a life of less anxiety and negativity is easier said than done.

Another option is this: once aware of any dream that is less than Peets delivering a matcha green tea latte to your front door can be rewritten. What’s that now? You can’t go back and change it but you can rework it into something more positive.

Lastly, go to bed having read something light and fun. Whatever you are reading just before bed will follow you into your dreams. A short story about this. I read this research while going through my first masters degree. For every exam after reading it I would go over all the material or the material I didn’t know that well just before bed (for my comps I did this for several days) and always did well.

1. Try to lead a less anxious and more positive life.

2. Rewrite anything scary into something more positive.

3. Read fun and light material just before bed.

Happy end of the week!

Dr. Michelle

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