Moving Towards Change

 In Coaches, Healthy Lifestyles, Professional & Olympic Athletes

JennicaAll of us have our daily routines: wake up, use the bathroom, brush teeth, shower, get dressed, drink coffee, grab a snack and drive to work. Throwing any wrench in that schedule has the probability of affecting the rest of the day. Change in our life is difficult because we all become accustomed to the comfort of control and knowing what to expect. Having a routine eliminates the anxiety of not knowing what is going to happen next. Therefore, it makes sense that any change in life, large or small, is going to be difficult.

However, fear of change can sometimes force us to settle into a life that is comfortable but not necessarily ideal. We see this happen in some relationships where people are satisfied with companionship instead of love. This can also be applicable to exercise-oriented goals when people are content with a minimum cardiovascular workout instead of reaching for new body image goals. Change does not have to be a daunting entity that we avoid at all costs. Pushing our limits is when we are able to achieve more than we thought possible. Although it may be easier to continue in the same routine, stepping outside of our comfort zone and trying something new can help us reach new goals.

“Only those who dare to fail greatly can every achieve greatly.”
– Robert F. Kennedy

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