If you have been watching the World Cup, then you have seen some pretty amazing football. The games have been rather unpredictable consisting of some stunning goals and incredible defense. Among [...]
If what you are doing isn’t working why keep trying to make it work? How certain are you that this direction is going to work? Do you have history with it working? What is telling you to [...]
My book is about to come out! As a matter of fact the paper copy proof should get here today! It is exciting and I feel great about it! For more information on my book please visit the book page [...]
In her last couple of blogs, Dr. Michelle Cleere was talking about the importance of visualization. Although it may seem like an abstract concept at first, with a little practice, like any skill, [...]
Some people are better than others at visualizing. Some people believe that they cannot visualize, but what they are actually experiencing is the inability to visualize on demand. Everyone has [...]
In my Women in Business Series I’ve talked about developing your leadership philosophy, the important of communication and why I think women struggle to get ahead. In part V of my WIBS I am [...]
We all have something in our lives we would like to change or to move toward. This can be simple goals like learning Spanish or finding more time for international travel. This could also be [...]
P. ¿Cuál es la cosa más útil que puedo darle a mis jugadores para mantenerlos fuera de su cabeza, que mantengan la concentración y estén listos para jugar? R Todos los jugadores deben tener tres [...]
I am going to do a Women in Business Series. I start out in this blog by talking about the initial process of being an exec. From here I’ll talk about developing your philosophy, having [...]
What? Are you crazy? What are you talking about? I know it sounds crazy but if you gave yourself permission to lose you probably wouldn’t think about possibly losing; it wouldn’t be a [...]