I don’t like to use the terms lost/lose. Why? Because they aren’t accurate and all these words do is make performers feel bad. It lowers confidence and motivation. Yes you may have [...]
Emotions are difficult. Why do you think there are so many people who use coping mechanisms like food, exercise, drugs and alcohol? So many people didn’t grow up ‘learning’ [...]
Too much thinking confuses you’re brain. After a while the brain takes flight (checks out) because it’s overloaded and is unable to decipher which direction you want to go. Generally [...]
I absolutely believe that positive thoughts breed positive outcomes. As of late, I’ve taken a little bit of a different stand on positive thinking. For years I’ve worked with clients [...]
I talk to a lot of athletes about avoiding burnout and I talk to some who are in the midst of burnout; helping them sort through how to deal with it. It’s not really until now that [...]
For most athletes there is only winning and losing. It is very black and white and there really is nothing in between those two things. Given this, athletes don’t have many moments of [...]
Do to confidentiality I can’t talk specifically about who my clients are but I can share some moments of success which are partly attributed to clients working on their mental performance. [...]
The best way to eliminate mistakes is not through punishment but rather to strengthen the correct or desired behaviors. Positive reinforcement focuses on improving rather than screwing up. Within [...]
I love the Sunday NY Times. It contains some good information in general but it usually (I am sure unintentionally) has at least one interesting perspective on the mental aspects of sports, [...]
Imagine yourself before competition Make it as real and vivid as possible. If you typically have a pre-competition routine, imagine yourself following the steps of that routine up to the [...]