Tennis coaches have so many elements to work on with their players from a physical standpoint as well as from a mental perspective. So, what do tennis coaches really want with regards to the [...]
As a strong advocate for how we shape girls and women in sports, it is essential for all of us to recognize and understand the importance of getting girls involved in sport, keeping women in [...]
The concept of FUN came up in conversation and how to incorporate fun into practice, it often winds up being some form of cutesy ridiculousness. However fun is imperative to peak sports [...]
Positive reinforcement helps develop mastery in skill and mastery in performance. Athletes are always looking for feedback on how they perform. They work with coaches to learn the best in [...]
Two things happened today and it was sad but opportune – I was working on a coach’s presentation on character development and then I was having a conversation with a friend who was assaulted by [...]
Good communication is often the difference between success and failure in the relationship between a coach and their athlete. The impact of verbal and nonverbal communications is the key to how [...]
Coaches can break bad habits and help athletes break bad habits. It's difficult to change what's comfortable and familiar, even if it is negative or not working. Many athletes may not realize for [...]
There are a variety of reasons to design practice sessions that set the stage for what you as a coach want to happen in practice – you want to facilitate and ensure everyone gets the most out of [...]
Your coaching mindset, whether it is ego mindset or mastery mindset, is the #1 thing that can get you and your athletes where you want to be, or not. You just have to decide where you get the [...]
Undertraining and overtraining can lead to the opposite of what an athlete is striving for and can hinder performance. In Matt Kuzdub’ s (2017) excellent blog, Overtraining and undertraining in [...]