Over the years I’ve heard numerous stories of how sports psychology has not had the impact that athletes, coaches and administrators thought it would. Several of my elite athletes have said [...]
Nothing happens without the brains involvement. The brain fires to the muscles telling them how to respond. Flow There are moments as an athlete that you are in a state of flow. In that state [...]
There are so many things to know about life. As an elite performer not only do you need to know and perfect your performance but you have to know and perfect everything else: family, friends, [...]
How do elite athletes make it to the top? How did they get started in the sport? What was their youth sports experience like? What role did their parents play in their youth sports career? [...]
Your head isn’t isolated from your body. They continuously communicate back and forth. The things that happen to you in your life are not isolated from each other. They are all [...]
We get into performance situations where we want to do more than what we know or have practiced. This is not the time to take chances. Playing up ‘Playing up’ is a sports term but it [...]
How do you measure ‘making it’? I’ve written several articles on success and how it should not (necessarily) be contingent on the outcome rather on other success indicators; [...]
I am in conversation with a European company to collaborate with them on broadening the field of facial expressions. During our initial conversation I was asked how this fits into what I [...]
I would say that my private practice is closer to coaching than it is to psychology. I would also say that, although ethical, in some ways my work with clients is non-traditional. The one area of [...]
As an elite performer you have to rely on many people to help support you. For example, most elite athletes need a manager, coach, nutritionist, mental training coach, body worker, physician, [...]