As you refine your ability to use all of your senses, you want to begin using imagery to see yourself performing a skill in your sport. Work through the progression at your own pace. Try [...]
Athletes and sports psychologists use the mental toughness a lot but what does it mean? Generally when I work with athletes I ask them what that means versus defining it for them because [...]
I just had a new client email me and I was reminded how sad it is that women athletes really do have a lot to figure out and potentially deal in order to be good athletes and achieve the goals [...]
Energy is not necessarily something that we think about very often. However if we are in a situation (competition or exercise) and need an increase of energy or less energy it is important to be [...]
It is estimated that 3 to 17 million adults and children are injured each year in the United States in sport, exercise, and recreational settings. This means that you might be an injured athlete [...]
It’s one thing to be able to initially focus during competition but it’s another thing to learn to refocus particularly when pressure increases. An increase in pressure usually brings [...]
Losing stinks! There is no doubt about it [period]. However my theory is that you feel your worst about losing when you are not mentally prepared to compete. Although you may be physically [...]
How do age and education affect physical activity? Think about how you’ve been influenced by these things and how that’s affected your physical activity. When you think about our own [...]
Psychoneuromuscular theory states that through the use of imagery an athlete imagines movements/scenarios/situations without performing them but it’s as if they were performing them because [...]
Breathing happens voluntarily everyday. There are many benefits for using it to move through stressful situations, exhausting workouts and anxiety provoking performances. Breathing helps calm [...]