Be thankful and celebrate what you do. Recognize your accomplishments and know you can continue to get better. You just have to take that chance and do it!
Teach grit - courage and resolve; and strong character. Not perfectionism. Kids are afraid to make mistakes. Kids who are afraid to fail, don’t succeed.
Should kids play multiple sport or specialize in one sport? Kids need a well-rounded environment to develop into well-rounded people. There is no way for kids to get everything they need from one [...]
Mental skills training has a reputation and many labels – sport psychology, coaching, therapy, etc. Why? Is there still a stigma about mental training? In fact, developing a mental skills [...]
With the holidays, balance is always a challenge and there are competitions coming up so it may not be the best time to let go and take time off. Or is it?
Athlete identity transition happens at the end of careers but something similar happens at the end of seasons and events. An athlete may face retirement, or may have a serious injury, or simply, [...]
I’ve often been asked, what is sports psychology? The technical answer to this question is this: Sport psychology is the scientific study of people and their behaviors in sports activities [...]
One of my clients who has been coming to see me for almost year came in this week and at the end of our session we were talking about how far my client has come since he’s been coming to [...]