Boost your sports performance with 5 transformative ways of confidence coaching in our blog '5 Ways Confidence Coaching Can Transform Your Performance in Sports'.
Here I talk about why it is critically important for you to define your “why” for your goals in business, music, sports, or anything you do! Why are you doing it? If it’s for others that is the [...]
You are probably always doing the best you can, but you can only do that based on where you are at. If you don’t have the tools to do something else, different, or better then you won’t be able [...]
It’s important for you to be thoughtful about how to help athletes get back to their sport after an absence in a way that facilitates confidence and success. Kids might struggle with their [...]
I was a young girl once. I was a young athlete once. At a young age I played softball just because it was the thing young, athletic girls in upstate New York did at the time. I liked it. I was [...]