Teach grit - courage and resolve; and strong character. Not perfectionism. Kids are afraid to make mistakes. Kids who are afraid to fail, don’t succeed.
Positive mental character develops over time from positive conscious coaching and ultimately creates champions. Victory doesn't happen without character.
Intensity is an individual thing. It’s about what works for the athlete and depends on their optimal zone of functioning – where do they perform their best?
Injury is so much more than it seems. Most think "physical" trauma, unless you are the one injured. Be aware of the "psychology" that comes with injury.
Mental barriers are obstacles that prevent young athletes from performing a particular skill. This typically triggers a fight or flight instinct and they either struggle with the perceived [...]
Should kids play multiple sport or specialize in one sport? Kids need a well-rounded environment to develop into well-rounded people. There is no way for kids to get everything they need from one [...]
As a strong advocate for how we shape girls and women in sports, it is essential for all of us to recognize and understand the importance of getting girls involved in sport, keeping women in [...]
The concept of FUN came up in conversation and how to incorporate fun into practice, it often winds up being some form of cutesy ridiculousness. However fun is imperative to peak sports [...]
Two things happened today and it was sad but opportune – I was working on a coach’s presentation on character development and then I was having a conversation with a friend who was assaulted by [...]