Fear of Flying
When you work in the field of Psychology, acquaintances tend to casually consult you about their fears, their compulsions, or other unexplained quirks in their daily lives. One of the most [...]
Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers
Our daily lives are a constant barrage of triggers that lead to elevated stress levels. It has been scientifically proven that prolonged elevated levels of stress lead to chronic illnesses. Some [...]
Combatting Stress Through Exercise
As you may have heard, exercise can be an excellent way to relieve stress. Working out releases natural endorphins in your brain called Dopamine. Dopamine is responsible for activating the [...]
Finding Your Happy Place
Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Jennica Janssen and I have my Master’s of Science in Clinical Psychology and am a practicing Marriage and Family Therapist. I work with [...]
Mental Moment-Grand Slam
Congrats Bartoli on winning Wimbledon. Did you see the Lisicki/Bartoli match? It was a difficult match to watch. Clearly they both played well enough to be there but as I heard Martina say [...]
Mental Moment-Change Doesn’t Always Happen the Way You Think
One of my younger clients struggles with confidence. Her lack of confidence shows up as anxiety. Horrible anxiety. What we’ve ascertained is that wanting to perform well (by all others [...]
Mental Moment-Are You Prepared
Are you prepared for the holidays? It may be important to take a couple of moments to think about what comes up mentally & emotionally for you around the holidays and figure out better ways [...]
Mental Moment-Hurricane Sandy
Life is all about perspective and I get that what happens in your life is the best and worst of what happens in your life. You have empathy and sympathy for some of what happen in the lives of [...]
Mental Moment-Life’s Barriers
There were so many articles in this past Sunday’s New York Times related to coping. I was elated to have so much blogging information. I’ve included the link’s to these articles [...]