Do to confidentiality I can’t talk specifically about who my clients are but I can share some moments of success which are partly attributed to clients working on their mental performance. [...]
I am now working with a lot of Olympic and professional athletes and I am very passionate about wanting to help support their performance endeavors. Although I am enamored by athletes of [...]
This is the last correspondence I had with this athlete. If you’ve been reading the progression over the past 8 or so weeks you’ve seen the openness, awareness and progress this elite [...]
Hey Michelle, well once again you manage to bring me to tears! You obviously hit some buttons every time you respond. So many things you say are right and true. I am not sure when in my life I [...]
Dr. Michelle: Thanks again for another GREAT email! You really put a lot of thought into all of this and that is how change and growth occurs. Scary but good! 🙂 What is it that bothers you SO [...]
M: I agree that for you making the decision was the hard part. Now you have to deal with the transition of the change but that’s good. We all have to deal with what happens in transition [...]
As children we reveal considerable imagery capabilities but are quickly taught to neglect this form of thinking so that we can develop our analytic and language capabilities. Fortunately, [...]
Certain mental skills seem to go untouched for awhile. One of them being imagery. I love imagery because it fulfills so many purposes but for me it’s usually one of the last skills I teach [...]
Have you felt those feelings of regret that come along with making a mistake? It’s common to feel a sense of frustration and anger after making a mistake particularly in a sport like tennis [...]
G: hey Michelle, how are you? Wow that was very perceptive. You are right. Yes there is one more person. My coach. In August she was away for 4 weeks, she has been my coach for 4 years. I decided [...]