Should kids play multiple sport or specialize in one sport? Kids need a well-rounded environment to develop into well-rounded people. There is no way for kids to get everything they need from one [...]
Can butterflies really turn into full blown anxiety and create worry, doubt, and fear? Anxiety appears cognitively through worry and fear. It also appears somatically through things like [...]
Two things happened today and it was sad but opportune – I was working on a coach’s presentation on character development and then I was having a conversation with a friend who was assaulted by [...]
Undertraining and overtraining can lead to the opposite of what an athlete is striving for and can hinder performance. In Matt Kuzdub’ s (2017) excellent blog, Overtraining and undertraining in [...]
Research shows that using exercise punishment to motivate young athletes can impact them negatively, short and long term. The topic of punitive coaching is hot right now.
A few weeks ago, I read an article about the increase of women entrepreneurs sexually harassed in Silicon Valley. As I started to dig more into this, I found out that 60% of these women report [...]
Yips have been around for years. Some of the best athletes struggle to overcome yips. They are common in golf and in baseball mainly with pitchers. Now, they seem to be coming up more frequently [...]
Many high-achieving athletes are celebrated for their capacity to achieve. Over time, it is not uncommon for their worth as a person to be contingent on those achievements. We feel inherently [...]
All of us have our daily routines: wake up, use the bathroom, brush teeth, shower, get dressed, drink coffee, grab a snack and drive to work. Throwing any wrench in that schedule has the [...]
Why do you do what you do? Are you able to recognize that you have choices? Do you struggle with indecision? Why are you doing the job or performance that you are doing? Was it a conscious [...]