How does imagery really work? Psychoneuromuscular theory: when an Elite Performer practices using imagery, they imagine movements without performing them, although the brain interprets this as if [...]
Imagine yourself before competition Make it as real and vivid as possible. If you typically have a pre-competition routine, imagine yourself following the steps of that routine up to the [...]
As you refine your ability to use all of your senses, you want to begin using imagery to see yourself performing a skill in your sport. Work through the progression at your own pace. Try [...]
Psychoneuromuscular theory states that through the use of imagery an athlete imagines movements/scenarios/situations without performing them but it’s as if they were performing them because [...]
A routine is not necessarily something that begins right before practice, competition or a workout. It’s something that you want to get in the habit of thinking about the day or night before. A [...]
Imagery Sensory Checklist This is an exercise designed to help you begin to integrate your senses into your imagery. As you create each of the following images in your mind, rate your ability to [...]
Psychoneuromuscular theory: when an athlete practices using imagery, the athlete imagines movements without performing them, although the brain interprets this as if the athlete were performing [...]
You arrive at your Marathon. Why is it that some people are jogging, some are in their own world listening to music and seemingly pondering something, and others, you overhear, are stating how [...]
As children we reveal considerable imagery capabilities but are quickly taught to neglect this form of thinking so that we can develop our analytic and language capabilities. Fortunately, [...]
Certain mental skills seem to go untouched for awhile. One of them being imagery. I love imagery because it fulfills so many purposes but for me it’s usually one of the last skills I teach [...]