Most of us lack the mental skills needed to handle high-performance demands. As the intensity rises, it’s crucial to work on mental and physical skills separately. Check out my video where I [...]
Enhance your music career with insights on career coaching for musicians in 'The Role of Career Coaching for Musicians in Navigating the Music Industry'.
What would happen if you didn’t physically prepare to perform? Do you think you’d be able to do it: win a tennis match, sing on stage, or give a presentation on a topic you knew very little [...]
Things bother us! It’s human nature. For some of you though things really bother you. Someone does or says something and anger and frustration arise. When you act or respond out of a place of [...]
Hm! What does that mean and why don’t you feel like that? We often get pulled in a lot of different directions daily. Some of them you may not have control on. Others you do have control. More [...]
I do not work as a traditional business coach. However, the work I do with C-suite and entrepreneurs is better because it goes deeper. No, not psychologically deeper but beyond the soft and hard [...]
A champion is someone who fights for what they believe in. A champion is someone who is always thinking about how to make life better. They are seeking to better themselves, better the people [...]
Ever wonder how to reduce over thinking in sports? Everyday I talk to clients around practice versus competition. There are not as many similarities as you’d think between the two, they are [...]