Are you aware of what you are actually thinking – do you practice mindfulness? Every day you have thoughts about who you are and what you’re doing, and then you think it’s who you are. [...]
I love my work. I love it because clients really can find the ‘success’ they are looking for and it isn’t that difficult; really. I realize the concept of mental training is still so [...]
I really think that being present in as many moments as you can really is the key to making change and building your mindfulness. For example, I am aware in this moment that I am struggling to [...]
Its time for the US Open. I love this tournament. Almost 20 years ago I was a ball girl at the US Open. The oldest (27-28) ball girl there that year. It was a blast. However this is not the only [...]
I don’t like to use the terms lost/lose. Why? Because they aren’t accurate and all these words do is make performers feel bad. It lowers confidence and motivation. Yes you may have [...]