At this time, there are more than 2.8 million breast cancer survivors in the United States. As many of you know, October is Breast Cancer Awareness month. If you turn on the television to any [...]
It seems like every other person you talk to these days is experimenting with some sort of diet. Whether it is the paleo diet, gluten-free, no carb, dairy-free, no sugar, Jenny Craig, or any of [...]
Nature versus nurture has been a long heated debate in the scientific community. Are people simply born with certain qualities? Or can the way people are raised effect their development later in [...]
Last week I talked about acceptance and intuition. Two important concepts in the process of change. Today I want to talk a little bit about what I think is the third important concept of change: [...]
How do you measure ‘making it’? I’ve written several articles on success and how it should not (necessarily) be contingent on the outcome rather on other success indicators; [...]
For most athletes there is only winning and losing. It is very black and white and there really is nothing in between those two things. Given this, athletes don’t have many moments of [...]
Do to confidentiality I can’t talk specifically about who my clients are but I can share some moments of success which are partly attributed to clients working on their mental performance. [...]
A routine is not necessarily something that begins right before practice, competition or a workout. It’s something that you want to get in the habit of thinking about the day or night before. A [...]
This is the last correspondence I had with this athlete. If you’ve been reading the progression over the past 8 or so weeks you’ve seen the openness, awareness and progress this elite [...]
Hey Michelle, well once again you manage to bring me to tears! You obviously hit some buttons every time you respond. So many things you say are right and true. I am not sure when in my life I [...]