Athletes and sports psychologists use the mental toughness a lot but what does it mean? Generally when I work with athletes I ask them what that means versus defining it for them because [...]
G: hey Michelle, thanks for making me think. What is the difference, maybe what I expect. In training Of the females I am one of the strongest and some are similar and I don’t feel pressure [...]
G: Hi there, thanks again. Yes, I am hard on myself. I feel myself getting anxious lately and feel maybe I need some time, ( week) off! I am about to do my first 7 day stage race and I think I am [...]
As a professional athlete all you know is how to be an athlete! With the whirlwind speed of your life, training and competing there isn’t really much time to sit and think about a lot of other [...]
Make mental training an implicit part of your program. Mental training if used has always been in addition to physical training; an explicit part of being an athlete or an exerciser. In my work I [...]