It seems like every other person you talk to these days is experimenting with some sort of diet. Whether it is the paleo diet, gluten-free, no carb, dairy-free, no sugar, Jenny Craig, or any of [...]
There certainly is a mental component to eating healthy particularly for people who are trying to lose weight. Much of this stems from how we ate as kids. We pick up our eating habits from our [...]
Do you remember when you first started running? Why did you start and what did it feel like for you? I was taking Southwest to Austin last month reading through Spirit Magazine and there was a [...]
I haven’t written anything in quite awhile with regards to weight loss or emotional eating but I had to write a blog about an article I read in the NY Times: A Weight-Loss Strategy From an [...]
2012 is the year to meet your weight loss goals but instead of trying a new diet or going about it the same way you always have this year is time to try something new. This year you are going to [...]
If you are going to set New Year’s Resolutions around starting an exercise program, losing weight, emotional eating, etc. how do you know what ‘goals’ are important? One way to [...]
If you are like me the phrase “New Years Resolutions” conjures up not so positive thoughts and feelings. It sounds kind of old school particularly because most of us are always resolving to do [...]
It’s that time of the year when you have to balance holiday fun, alcohol, food and emotions with diets, exercise and taking care of yourselves. This can be challenging most days of the week [...]
It is the holiday season and although that certainly doesn’t mean that you should completely ‘let go’ it is a good time for your mind & body to get some much needed rest and [...]
A lot of women talk to me about how really challenging it is to lose weight, exercise and take care of themselves when they have husbands, boyfriends and children with different needs than their [...]