Many high-achieving athletes are celebrated for their capacity to achieve. Over time, it is not uncommon for their worth as a person to be contingent on those achievements. We feel inherently [...]
Ooo-eee competition can be hard to deal with, can’t it? There are so many elements present: stress, worries, doubts, fears, etc. How you show up is important. How you deal with mistakes is [...]
We have all seen and heard stories about prodigy athletes who start sports at 3 or 4 years old and now are the phenoms in their field. At age 3, Kobe Bryant told his mom he was going to grow up [...]
“You’ve got to ingrain and reinforce the new skills,” practice no longer makes perfect. In order to be excellent at your sport, more is required. Athletics are both physical and [...]
I’ve recently had this conversation with two of my clients. They both get really nervous about competing. Those nerves get bigger and bigger until. One can’t breath and the other [...]
When people are asked about their pre-game rituals, most athletes have specific tasks they like to complete before competition. Cristiano Rinaldo, arguably the best soccer player, will not play a [...]
With the beginning of 2015 and the accompanying new year resolutions, I began thinking about the qualities and characters that make an incredible leader. If you are a San Francisco 49ers fan and [...]
John Wooden. Arguably the most influential coach in sports history. The majority of people have heard his name because he became the winningest college coach in NCAA [...]
If you have been watching the World Cup, then you have seen some pretty amazing football. The games have been rather unpredictable consisting of some stunning goals and incredible defense. Among [...]
We all have something in our lives we would like to change or to move toward. This can be simple goals like learning Spanish or finding more time for international travel. This could also be [...]