Confidence is such a dynamic social cognitive construct. In much of the reading I’ve done on confidence it talks about successful athletes having it and less successful athletes not having [...]
Schiavone beat both Williams sisters in a Milan exhibition. For Schiavone this is another great moment in her up and coming tennis career. However, Schiavone and Pennetta lost to the Williams [...]
Over many years I have done work with a lot of different women. One of the things I am most passionate about is supporting women to success. Success meaning different things for each of them. [...]
A lot of women talk to me about how really challenging it is to lose weight, exercise and take care of themselves when they have husbands, boyfriends and children with different needs than their [...]
Last week I talked about how to profile your performance albeit work, life, sports, exercise or diet in order to understand the elements that are important to help move you forward. The next step [...]