Goal Settings Helps You See Progress to Keep You Motivated

 In Coaches, Healthy Lifestyles, Professional & Olympic Athletes

Last week I talked about how to profile your performance albeit work, life, sports, exercise or diet in order to understand the elements that are important to help move you forward. The next step is to take the elements present in you performance profile and set some goals to move you from where you are to where you want to be: long term (1 year), short term (6 months), monthly, weekly and daily.

Goal setting can be whatever you want it to be but it can be challenging which is why it can be really helpful to work with someone like me to ensure you have a clear understanding of how to do it so that you feel successful. I use SMART goals: specific, measurable, adjustable, realistic and time-based goal setting.

Fortunately the performance profile helps because it sets the stage but the long term (1 year), short term (6 months), monthly, weekly and daily goals can seem daunting. If your goals is to get to the Olympics next year, what do you need to do mentally & physically to get there?

There are some important aspects of goal setting:

  1. Be realistic (otherwise you’ll lose motivation, won’t believe in your goals and may get burnt out)
  2. Get specific (specific goals give you a road map to where you need to go)
  3. Allow adjustment (whether you reach them or don’t reach them you need to be fluid & flexible with your goals)
  4. Make sure they are intrinsically important to you (otherwise you are not attached to them)

Goals help keep you on track and guide you in the direction you need to go. When you meet goals, they provide you with a sense of satisfaction and an increase in motivation and confidence.

Happy Training!

Dr. Michelle

Photo credit: angietorres

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