I’ve talked a lot about goal setting but today is yet a different conversation. Because my clients are different and not everything works the same with all clients I’ve develop [...]
Most people are afraid of the scary, and ominous F word. The truth is that failure is something we all are going to experience at some point in our lives. Even if you are a perfectionist, [...]
Goal setting is a process that involves assessing one’s current level performance; creating a specific, measurable, realistic, and challenging goal for one’s future level of [...]
If you are going to set New Year’s Resolutions around starting an exercise program, losing weight, emotional eating, etc. how do you know what ‘goals’ are important? One way to [...]
If you are like me the phrase “New Years Resolutions” conjures up not so positive thoughts and feelings. It sounds kind of old school particularly because most of us are always resolving to do [...]
Last week I talked about how to profile your performance albeit work, life, sports, exercise or diet in order to understand the elements that are important to help move you forward. The next step [...]