Intensity is an individual thing. It’s about what works for the athlete and depends on their optimal zone of functioning – where do they perform their best?
What the heck is a mantra? While it’s rooted in meditation and yoga, when developed and used properly, the mantra is also a powerful psychological tool to help replace negativity, to calm and [...]
Undertraining and overtraining can lead to the opposite of what an athlete is striving for and can hinder performance. In Matt Kuzdub’ s (2017) excellent blog, Overtraining and undertraining in [...]
Research shows that using exercise punishment to motivate young athletes can impact them negatively, short and long term. The topic of punitive coaching is hot right now.
With the beginning of 2015 and the accompanying new year resolutions, I began thinking about the qualities and characters that make an incredible leader. If you are a San Francisco 49ers fan and [...]
The holiday season is supposed to be full of happiness and cheer, but if we are going to be honest, it usually encompasses more stress and chaos then anything else. People are generally [...]
The monotony of every day life sometimes feels like the real world application of running on a treadmill: working hard but getting nowhere. It is often very difficult to recognize our own [...]
In my mind fake it till you make it is a fallacy. I am asked frequently about this concept and here’s the first way I respond: every situation has a positive and a negative. You can choose [...]
We all have something in our lives we would like to change or to move toward. This can be simple goals like learning Spanish or finding more time for international travel. This could also be [...]
I am going to do a Women in Business Series. I start out in this blog by talking about the initial process of being an exec. From here I’ll talk about developing your philosophy, having [...]