Positive reinforcement helps develop mastery in skill and mastery in performance. Athletes are always looking for feedback on how they perform. They work with coaches to learn the best in [...]
Your coaching mindset, whether it is ego mindset or mastery mindset, is the #1 thing that can get you and your athletes where you want to be, or not. You just have to decide where you get the [...]
After years of seeing the struggle and challenges youth sports parents deal with to keep up in the world of their kids’ sports careers, something needs to change. And, the kids are really [...]
Parents always want the best for their children, but sometimes struggle with the best way to support them. It is difficult to find the balance between helping your child achieve his or her [...]
With the beginning of 2015 and the accompanying new year resolutions, I began thinking about the qualities and characters that make an incredible leader. If you are a San Francisco 49ers fan and [...]
It seems like 2014 has flown by. Looking back on the year, it is hard to believe that the holiday season is already upon us again. When reflecting on the year, some of us may have very mixed [...]
My recent relocation to the East Coast for a JD/PhD Program in Clinical Psychology with an emphasis in Forensics has been an interesting experience. Many great life changes have occurred [...]
In my Women in Business Series I’ve talked about developing your leadership philosophy, the important of communication and why I think women struggle to get ahead. In part V of my WIBS I am [...]
We all have something in our lives we would like to change or to move toward. This can be simple goals like learning Spanish or finding more time for international travel. This could also be [...]
I am going to do a Women in Business Series. I start out in this blog by talking about the initial process of being an exec. From here I’ll talk about developing your philosophy, having [...]