“You’ve got to ingrain and reinforce the new skills,” practice no longer makes perfect. In order to be excellent at your sport, more is required. Athletics are both physical and [...]
Many athletes struggle with how to translate their physical prowess into an intellectual arena. In other words, athletes wonder, “What am I going to do when I cannot play my sport any [...]
When people are asked about their pre-game rituals, most athletes have specific tasks they like to complete before competition. Cristiano Rinaldo, arguably the best soccer player, will not play a [...]
With the beginning of 2015 and the accompanying new year resolutions, I began thinking about the qualities and characters that make an incredible leader. If you are a San Francisco 49ers fan and [...]
It seems like 2014 has flown by. Looking back on the year, it is hard to believe that the holiday season is already upon us again. When reflecting on the year, some of us may have very mixed [...]
Last week I talked about how music can help you become a better tennis player and athlete. I talked about how music elicits emotion, how music distracts and the affect of arousal/energy on [...]
What does rock solid confidence mean? True self-confidence – is a realistic (being realistic is very important and it’s not about someone else’s realistic expectations but [...]
My recent relocation to the East Coast for a JD/PhD Program in Clinical Psychology with an emphasis in Forensics has been an interesting experience. Many great life changes have occurred [...]
This question has haunted us in our daily lives since kindergarten when our teachers asked us to draw pictures of what we want to be in the future. I am sure our answers fell all over the [...]
The monotony of every day life sometimes feels like the real world application of running on a treadmill: working hard but getting nowhere. It is often very difficult to recognize our own [...]