Mental Moment-Lets Go Play

 In Coaches, Healthy Lifestyles, Professional & Olympic Athletes

When I was a kid (some 35-40 years ago) I played! I remember playing freeze tag and hide and seek. My friends and I would build forts and ride around on our bicycles until it got dark. In retrospect I realize how much I learned about myself from those experiences. I learned skills. I learned socialization. I learned movement. I learned cooperation and competition. I learned gender roles. The list goes on and on. Play is so important for so many things. It’s too bad it’s a dwindling aspect of all of our lives from kids to adults.

Today kids are so consumed with computers, phones, and TV’s that there is very little play. Many school systems are doing away with PE and free time which means there is even less time to play or be active at all. This means that they are losing their ability to be social (face-to-face), move, be cooperative or competitive, learn gender roles, have enough energy, deal with anxiety and stress, etc…and again the list goes on and on. This impacts their ability to work, have relationships, play sports, be healthy, be creative and have a balanced life. Where will they learn these skills?

I am already starting to see these clients, as young adults, in my practice. Fortunately along the way they’ve been exposed to performing (sports, music, arts) but unfortunately they are so focused on their performance, have no experience with play and no balance that everything hinges on that one thing and many wind up totally uninspired and burned out. And because they don’t have other experiences dealing with stress, anxiety and confidence it’s all that much more challenging and difficult to deal with.

I also regularly work with my adult clients around aspects of play because many of them struggle to find their creativity and inspiration. Although play for adults may be (?) slightly different than it is for kids, it is of huge importance for them and their existence as performers as well.

Go out and play! At least give it a try and see what comes of it!

Happy end of the week!

Dr. Michelle

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