Mental Moment-(Peak) Performance Week

 In Coaches, Professional & Olympic Athletes

I’ve just started collaborating with a really great company called Marble Arch. Immediately upon meeting Jessica Weatherford I was struck but her radiant personality and her ability to make me feel comfortable. These traits are what make her and her husband Neil (who I met a couple of weeks later) so great at working with individuals and organizations around organizational development.

As a part of our collaboration I am participating in Marble Arch’s Performance Week by twitting, tweeting and aligning our blogs around peak performance. As another part of this very special week Marble Arch also very kindly did an interview with me.


Here is my wonderful interview with Marble Arch: The Marble Arch Interview: Dr. Michelle Cleere, Elite Performance Psychology. I am not going to give too many highlights but will give you the great set of questions Jessica posed to me. I hope you enjoy!

  1. Can you tell us about the link between psychology and peak performance?
  2. What is the most common obstacle you see in your work with peak performers?
  3. What does a peak performance mindset look like?
  4. What is one step I can take as an individual to build a peak performance mindset?
  5. How can leaders begin to create an environment for employees that supports peak performance?

Marble Arch

Today’s workforce demands a culture that combines individual development with a deep connection to the goals and purpose of the organization. Marble Arch will help increase the organization’s performance and productivity by first removing the conflicts that are inhibiting performance. They then work to establish the behaviors and systems that drive continuous improvement and performance (Marble Arch). 

Organizational development

Organization development (OD) is a deliberately planned effort to increase an organization’s relevance and viability. Vasudevan has referred to OD as, future readiness to meet change, thus a systemic learning and development strategy intended to change the basics of beliefs, attitudes and relevance of values, and structure of the current organization to better absorb disruptive technologies, shrinking or exploding market opportunities and ensuing challenges and chaos. OD is the framework for a change process designed to lead to desirable positive impact to all stakeholders and the environment. OD can design interventions with application of several multidisciplinary methods and research besides traditional OD approaches (Wikipedia).

Performance week

Stay tuned to blog posts this week by Dr. Michelle and Marble Arch around peak performance and if you are on twitter check out #peakperformance for tips on how to perform at your peak!

Happy Monday!

Dr. Michelle

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