Mental Moment-Do You Know Why You Do What You Do
Do you remember when you first started running? Why did you start and what did it feel like for you? I was taking Southwest to Austin last month reading through Spirit Magazine and there was a [...]
Do you remember when you first started running? Why did you start and what did it feel like for you? I was taking Southwest to Austin last month reading through Spirit Magazine and there was a [...]
You’ve probably heard me occasionally preach about negative thinking, how it is self fulfilling prophecy (if you think negative that is the way it will turn out) and doesn’t get you [...]
I have written several blogs on the power of music. Years ago I was a contributor to an article in the London Times about the power of music to working out. I read an article in the NY Times [...]
Several times at this years London Olympics I’ve heard stories about athletes who are terminating their athletic careers. Olympian’s spend a lot of time training. It takes a lot of [...]
I am not sure if you saw the interview with Michael Phelps coach Bob Bowman but here is the recap: Bob would put Michael in chaotic mental situations so that Michael would learn to deal with [...]
Although my clients are generally motivated, it is not easy to ‘do the work’ that clients need to do when they work with me. Some of them have been Elite Performers for many years and [...]
Over the years I’ve done quite a bit of work nationally with NASM, with clients and now Shape Up (SF) around healthy eating and exercise. Why? I want help change the direction of our [...]
Influences of stress on performance come in two forms: eustress and distress. Eustress known as ‘good’ stress is a form of stress that some individuals seek out. They feel it benefits their [...]
My theory is that I don’t need to dig into area’s of a client’s life unless they want to. This sometimes means that I have to be very careful of the area’s I probe more [...]
I don’t like to use the terms lost/lose. Why? Because they aren’t accurate and all these words do is make performers feel bad. It lowers confidence and motivation. Yes you may have [...]