Beating The Fear, Building Your Confidence
Everything that gets in the way of our confidence is fear-based…anxiety, nerves, doubt, and stress. And that fear gets in the way of our confidence. So if you can beat the fear in a different way [...]
Everything that gets in the way of our confidence is fear-based…anxiety, nerves, doubt, and stress. And that fear gets in the way of our confidence. So if you can beat the fear in a different way [...]
One mistake doesn’t have to lead to another You make one mistake, and it feels like that’s it, game over! Fear sets in and confidence drops. You get in your head about making one mistake and if [...]
What would happen if you didn’t physically prepare to perform? Do you think you’d be able to do it: win a tennis match, sing on stage, or give a presentation on a topic you knew very little [...]
Last year (2020) No school or virtual school? A break from sports? The potential of less homework. The relief of handling less social pressure. No competition? YES! Initially when COVID started [...]
The process for a junior and senior athlete in high school who are expecting to attend college has gotten incredibly more complicated this past year due to COVID. Particularly if you want a [...]
During our initial phone consultation a potential client and parent will often ask me how they can tell if their child is improving in their sport. Unfortunately the answer to that question is [...]
Anxiety in business exists, and it’s real! It doesn’t mean that you can’t or don’t want to do your job. You may be feeling unmotivated or lazy because you feel like you can’t do something. [...]
We all know there is no such thing as being perfect, yet so many of us still strive for it and push others toward it too. Why? Perfection The rate of perfectionism in girls has skyrocketed over [...]
High school is an important time for athletes. Many have spent years honing their skills and want to make sure they are seen by college coaches and recruiters. Junior year is an especially [...]