Mental Moment-All I Want for Xmas

 In Coaches, Healthy Lifestyles, Professional & Olympic Athletes

Self confidenceIs confidence! You can have more of it in 2014!

What is self-confidence?

Self-Confidence is a realistic belief or expectation of achieving success. It includes:

  • What you realistically expect to do
  • Your innermost thoughts about your realistic capabilities
  • A realistic judgment about what you are able to do

How does having self-confidence impact performance?

  • Lowers anxiety by creating positive expectations of success.
  • Increases motivation by raising perceived competence.
  • Enhances concentration by eliminating distraction from negative thoughts and personal put-downs.

What are some specific strategies you use to boost your self-confidence?

  • Performance accomplishments: set realistic goals. Meeting goals builds motivation and confidence.
  • Vicarious experiences: see exactly what you should be doing by using imagery. Imagery reinforces muscle memory and the ability to do it the right way.
  • Verbal persuasion: positive reinforcement enhances feelings of competence. It’s important for coaches and teachers to reinforce what you are doing well and on a consistent basis.
  • Arousal control: find ways to deal with anxiety and other emotions.

There are many other strategies that you can use to help your confidence but here are a few more thoughts on maintaining confidence:

  • Appraise situations as challenges rather than threats.
  • Develop plans that emphasize solution-focused coping strategies to reduce threat.
  • Focus on the process. It’s more controllable.
  • Learn to be present.
  • Be aware of the successful moment.

Check out these other blogs I’ve written on goal setting, imagery, anxiety and energy regulation. These will help you get started. Several of which give actionable items so that you can work on these strategies to start building your confidence.

Happy Holiday Season to you and your family!

Thanks for your support this year and if you need more support next year, please let me know!

Dr. Michelle



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