Pain Can Be Your Friend or Foe In Competition!
Pain can be perceived as your friend or your foe. Define your pain, acknowledge it, and figure out the next best step to use it to your advantage.
Pain can be perceived as your friend or your foe. Define your pain, acknowledge it, and figure out the next best step to use it to your advantage.
Thinking about teamwork, building it, and supporting differences is the only way to build an effective team. Team of 15 = 15 ways to do something.
Coaching teams and coaching individual athletes can seem different but it many contexts, it is very similar - be heard, feel cared about, and belong.
Injury is so much more than it seems. Most think "physical" trauma, unless you are the one injured. Be aware of the "psychology" that comes with injury.
Mental barriers are obstacles that prevent young athletes from performing a particular skill. This typically triggers a fight or flight instinct and they either struggle with the perceived [...]
What the heck is a mantra? While it’s rooted in meditation and yoga, when developed and used properly, the mantra is also a powerful psychological tool to help replace negativity, to calm and [...]
Should kids play multiple sport or specialize in one sport? Kids need a well-rounded environment to develop into well-rounded people. There is no way for kids to get everything they need from one [...]
Imagery can take your performance to the next level. Imagery is a form of simulation similar to real sensory experiences except the experiences happen in the mind. It’s a human capacity that [...]
The concept of FUN came up in conversation and how to incorporate fun into practice, it often winds up being some form of cutesy ridiculousness. However fun is imperative to peak sports [...]
Two things happened today and it was sad but opportune – I was working on a coach’s presentation on character development and then I was having a conversation with a friend who was assaulted by [...]