Having Fun in Sports and Peak Performance
The concept of FUN came up in conversation and how to incorporate fun into practice, it often winds up being some form of cutesy ridiculousness. However fun is imperative to peak sports [...]
The concept of FUN came up in conversation and how to incorporate fun into practice, it often winds up being some form of cutesy ridiculousness. However fun is imperative to peak sports [...]
Two things happened today and it was sad but opportune – I was working on a coach’s presentation on character development and then I was having a conversation with a friend who was assaulted by [...]
Mental skills training has a reputation and many labels – sport psychology, coaching, therapy, etc. Why? Is there still a stigma about mental training? In fact, developing a mental skills [...]
Athlete identity transition happens at the end of careers but something similar happens at the end of seasons and events. An athlete may face retirement, or may have a serious injury, or simply, [...]
In my work with clients, though the bulk of our conversation is around helping them to develop better cognitive-behavioral skills for performing, there are other healthy choices that impact [...]
Undertraining and overtraining can lead to the opposite of what an athlete is striving for and can hinder performance. In Matt Kuzdub’ s (2017) excellent blog, Overtraining and undertraining in [...]
Jordan Spieth summarized his final-round mindset of the British Open and the awareness and process of his mental golf game to set himself up for success. He said, “I was questioning why I [...]
After years of seeing the struggle and challenges youth sports parents deal with to keep up in the world of their kids’ sports careers, something needs to change. And, the kids are really [...]
In all the years of working with athletes, it has become apparent what the top 5 most mentally challenging sports are. The biggest factor in making this assessment is the number of places or [...]
Yips have been around for years. Some of the best athletes struggle to overcome yips. They are common in golf and in baseball mainly with pitchers. Now, they seem to be coming up more frequently [...]