Mental Moment-Being Prepared

 In Coaches, Healthy Lifestyles, Professional & Olympic Athletes

gymnasticsA routine is not necessarily something that begins right before practice, competition or a workout. It’s something that you want to get in the habit of thinking about the day or night before.

A good routine includes motivational techniques, increasing or decreasing anxiety, use of positive self talk, mantra’s and incorporating imagery.

It is a good idea to practice motivational techniques, increasing or decreasing anxiety, use of positive self talk, and using imagery in your everyday life not just for practice or an event (practice, competition or a workout). It is important to get used to thinking about your goals, breathing to psych up or psych down, talking to yourself positively, and using imagery. It’s also important to refine these skills into something that works for you!

 So why is all this so important?

1)  It’s one way of implementing control over your environment.

2)  It provides a stable environment for something that might be highly unstable (You can only control your skill and effort. Don’t race against others. You have no control over them or whether they are better than you or not).

3)  It’s especially helpful for people who are anxious because if you are thinking positively, you can not be thinking negatively and if you are in your own zone thinking positively you aren’t being distracted.

4)  It provides consistency.

5) It prepares people for an event.

6)  Routines and these techniques help you forget about outcomes and keep you focused on the here and now.

Dr. Michelle

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