Mental Moment: Live Like A Buddhist

 In Coaches, Professional & Olympic Athletes

We can live life like a Buddhist: letting go of attachment to thoughts and things. We do not have to allow things to permeate our thought process. We do have control over it.

Let it go

I was just responding to a client about how each moment is a different moment and thoughts can flow through us rather than taking us over. People seem to look for thoughts to get stuck in and consumed by. Why not let thoughts flow through us: we recognize the thought, we appreciate it or not but then we let go of it and move into the next moment. For example, anxiety is a common state for clients who are struggling with performance pressure. The awareness that the anxiety exists is usually the most difficult part but once you are aware then it’s in your control. You have the ability to notice the anxiety, take a deep breath, and move in another direction. You don’t have to be consumed by it. Emotions and thoughts are fleeting. When you allow anxiety to flow through you it takes the energy away from it and allows you to move into the next moment with whatever arises in that moment.

Why we hang on

There are reasons that you hang on to negative thoughts and emotions. It is generally a learned behavior from childhood and in childhood it may have served you well but when it gets in the way of your life, your livelihood and the ability to get what you want then it’s time for change. This change can include living like a Buddhist or it can include coming up with new coping mechanisms.

Moment to moment we do have control over so much of what happens/what we think/what we choose to hold onto. How do you want to live each moment?


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